• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 10th, 2021

Zimprus Nalune

Writer, editor, incomprehensible.

Latest Crap I've Written...


Back, Hopefully for a While · 2:43am Sep 14th, 2014

This delay is brought to you by:

High School Graduation
League of Legends
Dota 2
Space Engineers
Steam in General
College Preparations
College Actually Starting
>Insert Whatever You Like Here

Word of warning, I'm taking this space to ramble a bit.

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Comments ( 22 )
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and here we are four years after you last blog post and still nothing.......THE STORIES HERE ARE DEAD.

Thank you very much for adding my story Every Little Bit to your Favorites bookshelf. I'm glad that you enjoyed my little peek into the worlds of Dash and Spike.:moustache::rainbowkiss:

It seems you liked Stay. Good for you and thanks for the fav.
But is not the favs what drives me but curiosity. What do you have to say about the story? Let me know.

Thank you for enjoying "Why Me?" and adding it to your favorites!

Have no fear, my friend, I will be updating The 7th Element sometime in the near future. College preparations and schoolwork have me bogged down at the moment, but rest assured knowing that I do in fact have an outline ready and available, and work shall soon begin.

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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