• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2019



New avatar & Username · 12:11am Aug 13th, 2014

First time ever posting one of these things here.

I've changed my username to match up with various other services and forums. I felt my avatar didn't really fit the new name, so I changed that, too, but kept it relevant to this website. It is another commission of my OC, Game Play. I suppose I could just change my name to that... Hmm...

Report LifeWulf · 244 views ·
Comments ( 9 )
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1069576 I'm planning on reading all your stories sometime, and it makes it easier to find you. Plus then I get notifications when you post a blog, and I also happen to share those "common beliefs" that you and TorontoFCBrony have. So, Wynaut? :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the follow man. Mind telling me what I did to deserve the honor?:pinkiehappy:

910032 but one of the most wonderful things about tiggers ( or in this case, brony christians ) is i'm the only one. i'm the only one. growl. feeling like you're the only one , basically. i approve of the furry thing, too. by the way. lol.

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