• Member Since 25th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2023


A dude who likes ponies.


To all those that lost my favourite... · 8:25pm Feb 24th, 2013

I have just removed one heck of a lot of favourites. I am really, really sorry about that to everybody. It has nothing to do with the quality of your stories or how much I have liked them... But I have decided I shall not read (or write) sexy pony stuff any longer. If your story had a mature tag, I removed it from my favourites, read later list, etc. It nearly broke my heart to de-favourite some of those fics, as I will have to honestly say that I loved every single second of it. Very much so.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

Following you because of what you were brave enough to comment on "Her Stallion" (would link but NSFW) :

Wow... Just, WOW. I want to jump up and down in joy that there is still hope in this world when it comes to sex. Just browsing for a story... Damn, fetish fetish fetish lesbian lesbian lesbian fetish gay incest bondage and every perverted thing.

Here is some genuine love that is not just good and genuine, you can be a Christian and still enjoy it. (Anybody who says a Christian cannot read sexy stuff has never read Songs of Solomon...)

Beautiful. UP VOTE. We need more of this.

While Song of Solomon is fairly indirect by way of metaphor to its sexuality, I think an argument could be made for this point of view. Society today is much more openly sexual then the culture that was written in. Not really sure either way. Could explain more, but this comment is already long enough.

Hey! Thanks for the favorite! :yay: You wouldn't mind voting it up if you liked it, would you? :scootangel: *bighug*

Definitely let me know your thoughts! I love feedback! :heart:

123796 *Sigh* Damn my loyalness.....fine, but only if you add Derpy in your next story...and maybe a small bit of FlutterMac please if your into that pairing.

123790 Understandable, school comes first.

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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