• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen November 3rd




New story coming in the next day or two! · 6:08pm Mar 7th, 2016

The title says it all. I'm back baby, and with a vengeance! Next story will come out either tomorrow, Wednesday, or Thursday. It was going to be a one shot, but as usual the shit got way out of hand and now I'm looking at like two-four parts or something. Anyway, it takes place in the 7 Days universe, but it isn't an explicit sequel. It just has some nods and mentions. Anyway, just wanted to give anyone who was interested a heads up! First new story from me in like 3 years... woo.....

Report Jacetheponysculptor · 431 views ·

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Thanks for the follow! :yay:

2134354 I'm working on it. I don't want to give you a date, but it's coming along. It's a little tough to write because I have to comb over two different stories, and make sure everything is adding up. That being said, I've got it all sketched out, I'm just putting the finishing touches on it.

Hey dude when are u going to release the next chapter of a little serendipity :rainbowhuh:

So is it just me or does anyone else think serendipity has been rather on hiatus and not just incomplete? I'm hoping to celestia its not, it is really great and (I dont like to speak for a large group of people), but we all would really love an update. Am i right? Still an amazing fic so I hope for the best and good luck:pinkiehappy:

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New story coming in the next day or two! · 6:08pm Mar 7th, 2016

The title says it all. I'm back baby, and with a vengeance! Next story will come out either tomorrow, Wednesday, or Thursday. It was going to be a one shot, but as usual the shit got way out of hand and now I'm looking at like two-four parts or something. Anyway, it takes place in the 7 Days universe, but it isn't an explicit sequel. It just has some nods and mentions. Anyway, just wanted to give anyone who was interested a heads up! First new story from me in like 3 years... woo.....

Report Jacetheponysculptor · 431 views ·