Must Read Stories
Dash's Secret A visit from Rainbow Dash's parents reveals that she may not be the mare everypony thought she was. by HopeFox 32,412 words · 776 · 35
Grow Up, Apple Bloom Apple Bloom makes a desperate attempt to get her cutie mark. by Lux 13,434 words · 196 · 8
Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions Applejack finds a pony at death's door during one of the worst storms of the year. He is bleeding, his wings are broken, and he's unconscious. This new pony has secrets he wants to hide, but as the saying goes, all things must come to light by thedarkprep 23,617 words · 244 · 11
These are all better than mine, go read them :)
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Dark Chiami follows 7 users
You doing alright mate?
Some of your storys are down, and you haven't logged in in quite awhile.
Are you okay?
Are you taking a brake?
Did you quit?
Or did you die?
I'm not really one to keep up with the news...
But, what happened to all your stories and things?
Or is it something not to be mentioned...?
1905452 You're welcome, we are all equal here! Silly filly.
Aw thanks
If you do become a crazy cat lady, we will still love you.