• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 5th, 2023


I'm really nothin special I'm just here to enjoy the works, and add my own :]


Final update... · 10:55am Apr 13th, 2014

Hello my friends, (however few and far between) it is with some thought that I've decided to discontinue any and all work on my current and future projects. Moreover, I have also resolved that I will be stepping back into my previous obscurity, (as if I had collected any notoriety anyway) and in doing so, will be stepping away from our beautiful fandom in its entirety.

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Report axelbear · 366 views ·

My stories no one is gonna read

Comments ( 10 )
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Comment posted by tranhdxrbntd deleted Aug 30th, 2013

Thanks for the watch!

You pose a compelling argument

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