Where has Scootaloo been before Ponyville? Where are her parents? Why can’t she grasp the technique of pegasus flying? Why is she so excited about the breezie migration? And since when can she speak Breezie?
Pinkie Pie shrinks to the size of a breezie to visit their home in Breezy Bastion. She's there to bring the breezies and Equestria together, but they might not be as excited about the alliance as she thought.
For the first time after a thousand years the portal to Equestria has opened. Seabreeze and his friends go to collect the legendary pollen, but soon Seabreeze gets seperated from the rest.
My heart is filled with darkness but not consumed, while my best friend and my brother are now the pawns in something much worse than we could have feared.
Seabreeze wants nothing more than to stay at home and relax with his family. But after his lucky escape from the Big World of the ponies, he's gained some unwelcome attention, and not just from overawed Breezie neighbours...
A small but brave explorer wanders where he should not. The monster he faces doesn't threaten to devour him, but it feels just as bad. Are his people really so... This just can't be.
On the magical eve of Hearth's Warming, Derpy finds herself entrusted with a special delivery destined for the heart of Breezie Village. Yet, Breezie tradition bears it's own unique challenge.
The ponies are about to carry out Summer Shutdown and bring back winter. This does not sit well with a small breezie colony living in Applejack's orchard. Someone has to stop the ponies and save the world...
Where has Scootaloo been before Ponyville? Where are her parents? Why can’t she grasp the technique of pegasus flying? Why is she so excited about the breezie migration? And since when can she speak Breezie?
Trapped in the world of the breezies, Twilight has to learn how to be a breezie and help her clan make it through the winter. And like every time learning is involved, she is quite eager
Accompanying Twilight as she returned from her expedition in his world, the breezie Honeydew has to learn how to live with his marefriend... in the incomprehensible vastness that is the world of Equestria