Courtesy of The FIMFiction Achievement Brigade.
What Is This Place, Filled With So Many Wonders?
Make an account on FIMFiction.
Join the Herd
Join a group.
The Worst! Possible! Thing!
First 502 error.
Read a story with the "Gore" tag.
A Part Of The Coding
Be on the site for over a year without any extended absences.
Lavender Unicorn syndrome
Write a story with Twilight as a main character.
The Best Kind of Apple
Write a story with Applejack as a main character.
You are 20% Cooler Now
Write a story with Rainbow Dash as a main character.
"It's Vintage!"
Write a story with Rarity as a main character.
By Our Powers Combined!
Write a story with the Mane 6 as main characters.
The Doctor is Out
Write a Doctor Whooves fic.
"Who Turned Off The Lights?!"
Write a story with the [dark] tag.
When Worlds Collide
Write a story with the [crossover] tag.
Write a story with the [human] tag.
"How Did That Work Again?"
Write a story with the [random] tag.
The Same, Yet Different
Write an alternate universe story.
10,000 is not enough words!
Write a multi-chapter fic that contains at least 50,000 words.
Here We Go Again
Write a sequel to one of your fics.
Spinning Plates!
Have three or more ongoing multi-chapter stories at once.
Would you ever consider submitting a few of your stories to the Fanfiction Audio Recordings groups? Those groups get people's fanfictions submitted to them and then systematically convert them to audiobook or radio play form. Reason being is that audiobooks are a really popular thing and I think it would really get your name out there. Plus, I'd personally really like to hear your fanfic For Queen and Country in audiobook form. Reason also I'm asking you is that the story has to be submitted by the original author.
You should add another FiMFiction achievement to your list.
- Don't give a buck
Drop your Incomplete stories and start ignoring your readers, without giving any word, for at least one year.
Thanks for the follow. Hopefully I'll be able to make good on it.
I'm back~