A group dedicated to two things. Assassin's, and Ponies...mainly crossover stories between Ponies and Assassin's Creed. Join the Bronyhood, and begin our fight against the Templars!
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A group dedicated to two things. Assassin's, and Ponies...mainly crossover stories between Ponies and Assassin's Creed. Join the Bronyhood, and begin our fight against the Templars!
I hope there is room for all Pony Assassins here.
Guess I am off to plan the next assassination for the pink mare.
354588 again, don't know your life, just saying.
354547 I never promised. I just forget I have a group to manage, but this isn't my top priority. Music is, I produce too, and that's what I want as my career
342843 hey bro, last time you updated with a comment was New Years several months ago and you said you would try to do this more often. I don't know anything about what you go through, but that kind of broken promise is both comical and sad.
Was commenting with a pal o' mine:
Just saying. I mean, wouldn't that be a lot more efficient?
I haven't really been on here much, but I'll try and update a bit more.
Happy New Year brothers, and sisters!
339446Your welcome.
16 members? I haven't checked here in a while, thanks you guys