• Member Since 20th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen July 16th

Vermillion Prose

An amatuer writer with editing experience, my quill is dedicated to exploring the equine condition and entertaining with stories of heroes, villains, triumph and tragedy. Buckle up, everypony.

Networking is Magic!

Hey, if you want to keep track of my doings outside of FiMFiction, check out my Facebook page!

Fun fact, I also have a Tumblr! Not much of an artist, but I post things from time to time.

And for random blurbs I now have a Twitter. Because why not?

Latest Stories


Schedules, Sleep, and Stories · 10:28am Jan 9th, 2018

TL;DR: keeping the word count rising; schedule's getting weird again. Thank you all, deeply, for your support!

The long version:

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Comments ( 27 )
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Comment posted by The Bricklayer deleted Aug 30th, 2020
Comment posted by The Bricklayer deleted Aug 30th, 2020

Thanks so much for adding Herding Instincts to your folders! I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for the fave on Dense as Diamonds. Please enjoy your purple marshmallow fluff. :raritywink::twilightblush:

Thanks for the fave on "Roaring and Screaming"! :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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