An amatuer writer with editing experience, my quill is dedicated to exploring the equine condition and entertaining with stories of heroes, villains, triumph and tragedy. Buckle up, everypony.
Twilight has restored her newest companion to the world, a Rubricae of the Thousand Sons. Now, what does the presence of this former Astartes mean for Equestria?
Twilight has earned the trust and loyalty of both Hesperos, a former Rubricae of the Thousand Sons, and Te'kan of the Slamanders. Together they face the final fate planned for them deep within the maelstrom of the warp. A Warhammer 40,000 crossover.
Edgewood lies just a flight away from the territories of the changelings. For two young stallions, their dream is to join the wardens, self-proclaimed protectors of the town.