• Member Since 31st Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Just another face in the crowd.


Clothes for my Plushie! Updated to show pictures · 5:53pm Mar 30th, 2016

I am so happy! I finally found a seamstress that would make some clothes for my Trixie plushy and boy did she do an amazing job on them! Check it out!

This was the concept I choose. I know its a ponyfied version of the Equestria Girls outfit for Trixie, but the colors fit so well on her I just though it would be perfect!

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Report OneAmongOthers · 743 views ·
Comments ( 64 )
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Thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

Yeah I stopped readIng about half way though. About as interesting as any other ”insert mare of your choice” fuckfic recently surfacing, and pretty much just as forgettable.

Shut up nerd

Heh... thanks! Shes honestly is pretty shy about this stuff. A little bit self conscious if you will. Would never catch her doing this outside of a lover... or perhaps close friends? :raritywink:

Your avatar is sexy.

Oh... heh didn't even notice. Thanks anyway!

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