• Member Since 13th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2015


I'm just an avarage guy that got introduced into mlp through a youtube video I never knew about it until then and I started watching the series and I got hooked on vinyl scratch and fimfic


I'm a hero!!! well sorta... (I'm so modest :D) · 5:43pm Apr 6th, 2014

Hey what's up everypony ? This here blog post is about something that just made me happy and gave me an all-round warm feeling... I saved a life!! I know right, awesome. Recently got an acknowledgement from a brony on twitter that thanked me for motivating him and showing him that people care. He told me that he wanted to kill himself... yeah suicide. He then said that I stopped that from happening, that I gave him the will to live and carry on.

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Report Southey · 431 views ·
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1298861 I figured out the problem xD, thanks again.

1296562 Why thanks I'll make sure to ask you then, I was actually looking for the original on FimFic because I wanted the epub.

Welcome to the Fallout: Equestria Group! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

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I'm a hero!!! well sorta... (I'm so modest :D) · 5:43pm Apr 6th, 2014

Hey what's up everypony ? This here blog post is about something that just made me happy and gave me an all-round warm feeling... I saved a life!! I know right, awesome. Recently got an acknowledgement from a brony on twitter that thanked me for motivating him and showing him that people care. He told me that he wanted to kill himself... yeah suicide. He then said that I stopped that from happening, that I gave him the will to live and carry on.

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Report Southey · 431 views ·