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This will hit the feature box in no time I'll bet.
This is the story that inspired me to start writing. Thank you very much!
~Skeeter The Lurker
ha-wha? it's here?! YAY YAY YAY YAY
This is what's happening.
Edit: Knighty made a blog post saying, "It's happening," as a joke for this fiction getting posted on the site. It's been deleted now, though.
Glad to finally see this up here!
OMG you're back!
I hope that constructive crit is welcome?
Is this real life?
I FINALLY get to read this!
After so long! Thank you!
~Skeeter The Lurker
Or is this just fantasy?
Here we go!
not completely. however, I am writing again, even though my FIMfic time is still rather limited for now.
This is a fantastic story. Once I got a few chapters in, I didn't want to put it down. I swear I finished it in a week! Your story also encouraged me to purchase Fallout 3.
I do have a question for you, though. How do you write chapters that are so massive? I feel daunted just writing chapters that are about 5,000 words.
Oh boi here we go! I am excited that this is on a site of which I am unforcefully chained to so I finally get to read it.
inb4 feature
Finally! I don't have to nearly blow up my computer just to access this! I can finally finish it -- the last two chapters will tease me no longer!
Hmmm, I might be wrong but I don't think that FoE is only "teen" level gore. Also, those few offscreen sex scenes are not enough to justify the "sex" tag, I think (considering the whole story is over 600k words long).
Anyway, I have some positive memories related to this story; took me well over a week to read it all...
A time well spent, though
Man KKat, thanks so much for posting it to FimFiction! I can't wait to read it!
No. Way.
Why didn't you read it on the EQD? I know you're going to love it Skeeter, be sure to tell me how you feel about each chapter. I'm having a friend read it and I want to hear opinions, I figured I'd ask you to because I see you SO much on this site!
Never cared for EqD. They just seemed... I dunno.
That and I like the layout of this site better.
~Skeeter The Lurker
I hate reading stories on Google Docs. I like to revise my stories once I upload OpenOffice docs but I never like reading stories on Google Docs.
I prefer the layout of Fimfiction better. Its easier for me.
Wow. I can't believe my own eyes. This is here. It's finally here. God. Wow. The best story in this fandom is right here, on Fimfiction. Wow. I... I have no words. Thank you so much for uploading it here!
Oh my, I wish I would have known, it linked to G-docs and you got to read it there. So you never read any of it on the EqD. Still, I hope you LOVE it and tell me about your love!
Fallout: Equestria is on fimfiction!?
Pop the champagne bottles, kiddos. Another Titan is upon us, and I think this completes The Big Three on Fimfiction.
Oh Sweet Celestia. YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!
The feature box will never be the same now.
Also, I now need to change my top ten list for my favorite fanfics. Darn, I spent weeks creating that list.
Also, one question, will the unoffical 20.5 be updated here? I know it was written by someone else and it wasn't part of the fic originally but it did add to little Pip's character.
Thank you for getting my
writing slaveco-author into
2917694 caught in a landslide
Excuse me, but what?
What are the other two?
This is the story I want to remember when I think of the MLP fandom in 20 years.
Tell me, is this story any good?
Aw hell yeah! Maybe now I'll actually get round to reading the damn thing!
No escape from reality
Past Sins and My Little Dashie.
Ah, I just bought Past Sins and have yet to read My Little Dashie
2917727 Right? They just seem like a site below this site, really.
So this is what is happening.Time for this fic to last a LONG time in the feature box!
Kinda. But I have some respect for them.
~Skeeter The Lurker
I wub you.
Hello, you handsome devil of a story! We've been waiting for you!
it has been Featured.
2917803 I have respect for them as a group but they just don't seem all that special. I've seen perfectly good stories denied for just random reasons. But they have their good times too.
God, I used to read this before taking the plunge into pony writing. Glad to see that Kkat's uploaded it (even if it was a little forced on the part of the fans).
I've been putting this story off my reading queue for so long just because it wasn't on fimfic and I won't have the time to go back to the exact chapter I was on in g docs or the fimfic vault website.
Now I have no excuses.