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Sunset Shimmer must have felt nervous about meeting Princess Celestia again. She couldn’t even be mad at Celestia anymore, even though by all rights she should. If she could just be loved, maybe that would prove enough.
Every day, Princess Celestia wakes up in terrible pain, and every day, she chooses to endure it, until the one day she's left feeling blissfully normal. Few things have ever scared her so much.
After Twilight Sparkle finishes Starswirl's spell, Celestia sends the Bearers on a new grand quest... but not all is as it seems. How, exactly, was Equestria really made?
[Comment-Driven] Twilight wakes up on the floor, injured and alone. The town of Ponyville is dark, its inhabitants twisted. And none of them can leave.
Currently Working On: To be honest, this fic is just for some fun! Who knows where it's going or when the next chapter will come
Personal Bests
OuroborosAfter Twilight Sparkle finishes Starswirl's spell, Celestia sends the Bearers on a new grand quest... but not all is as it seems. How, exactly, was Equestria really made?by OfTheIronwilled
53,129 words
· 23 · 1
AgainA pony falls into Megan's well. It isn't the first time this has happened... or maybe it OfTheIronwilled
1,792 words
· 139 · 30
A routine rescue from a no-name villain goes wildly awry as Celestia is flung into the lethal, living nightmare that is Tartarus. No great problem for an immortal, but to Celestia's absolute horror, Twilight has followed her in.
A fashion empire at the top of its field. A social calendar in great demand. And being the companion of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Sovereign of Equestria. It's everything Rarity had ever wanted. So she's happy, right?
When Twilight Sparkle starts to become a problem, Chrysalis doesn't send her to the catacombs. After all, what a waste it would be, to send a pony filled with platonic love away when she could use her as a puppet instead.
After Twilight Sparkle finishes Starswirl's spell, Celestia sends the Bearers on a new grand quest... but not all is as it seems. How, exactly, was Equestria really made?
Sometimes the last page of one story is just the first page of another. Sometimes Pinkie Pie and her family are endearingly weird. And sometimes Twilight finds happiness in the small things, even in her darkest hours.