• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2022


Just a (From what I hear) slightly better than average writer here on fimfic. Writing comes naturally to me, if I can get my lazy ass to do it.

This is a box


3 Years · 11:43am Mar 6th, 2015

It has come to my attention that I have been on this site for over 3 years.

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What makes my day

Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

1307060 no, thank you for being one of the few writers I know of that can write Discord well.

Thank you for adding "Why Me?" to your favorites! Glad you liked it!

1175413 it all started when you got shoved head first through a vagina

I'm sad....
and lost....
How the fuck did I get here?:fluttershysad:

  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57
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