• Member Since 13th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2015


I'm just an avarage guy that got introduced into mlp through a youtube video I never knew about it until then and I started watching the series and I got hooked on vinyl scratch and fimfic


I'm a hero!!! well sorta... (I'm so modest :D) · 5:43pm Apr 6th, 2014

Hey what's up everypony ? This here blog post is about something that just made me happy and gave me an all-round warm feeling... I saved a life!! I know right, awesome. Recently got an acknowledgement from a brony on twitter that thanked me for motivating him and showing him that people care. He told me that he wanted to kill himself... yeah suicide. He then said that I stopped that from happening, that I gave him the will to live and carry on.

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Report Southey · 431 views ·

Hey guys I found a way to help until I start my own writing!! · 12:10am Mar 20th, 2014

Okay so I have service to provide if any of you want it.
I've recently started pre-reading for a friend and I thought I would, if I could, extend that service to the general public or whoever actually reads these blog posts...
So there it is I will pre-read for everyone, just send a pm if you want to get started.

SOUTH3 out

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How I became a brony (seems like everypony else has already made this post so why not) · 3:01am Feb 26th, 2014

Ok so I haven't been online much, wait thats a lie I've been spending most of my time playing changeling panic x_x and well this post is to show that I'm alive as well as inform you so lets get to it...

So.. if you're reading this then you're curious, thats good

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about stories · 9:49am Jan 14th, 2014

ok so I rarely write anything outside of school projects and social services but I've had a few bits of inspiration from the stuff I have read (and I've read a lot trust me) but I've been thinking maybe I should try my hand at writing I've already got plans and plots , the basic parts of at least one short story and an idea for a big multi chaptered series of books that are inspired by one of my favorite series of books

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new year · 11:09pm Dec 31st, 2013

Ok so its a new year but more interestingly its my birthday and I'm now 15 :D well happy new year everyone hope you have a great 2014 and I love this site cause without it I would have way too much free time

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