• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen July 17th


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Guys, I need help · 11:14pm Nov 23rd, 2013

Okay, first of all I'm sorry for the long wait on the new chapter. the story isnt dead yet so dont worry^^

Now for my problem.

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1483755 believe it or not, Im actually working on that^^ Im sorry it took over a year but I assure you the story is not dead^^ Thing is, im at a part of the story which I didnt have in my mind before so im having a bit of trouble comming up with a sadisfactory way to connect the last chapter with the next major event I have in mind:twilightsheepish: Again I am sorry for the wait.... thank you for still be interested in my story though even though it took that long :twilightsmile: I really appreciate that

So are you ever gonna update remnants of nightmare?

1367679 Hello Pot, it's Kettle. I'm black and all of its sequels^^ Especially White was for Virgins^^ That story made my day when i first read it^^ I cant wait to see what you have in store next (if youre going to write another sequel of course^^)

Many thanks for the watch!:rainbowkiss:


I mean, what made you follow?:duck:

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