• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 15th, 2020


.................I'm Fryguy, and I like writing and stuff, I love making friends.

Stories I Like A Lot


Soooooo.... · 12:56am Mar 8th, 2017

Stress and my health do not go well together I've recently found out...RIP

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Comments ( 172 )
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No problem at all! Sorry for being off so much now. My computer keeps shutting down my internet so I'm really upset about that. But I'm finally back! Hopefully some stories I haven't finished gets started again and new stories I have that aren't published yet should come out soon.

Happy First Follower Appreciation Day! I really want to thank you for being my first follower on this site! It means the world that you were my first supporter! Again, thanks a lot!


I can imagine it, and I think that is really good writing there.

Imagine. you are alone by the beautiful Sana Monica bay. The seagulls give out a lonely cry, amidst the crashing of the waves upon the shore ahead. The day is beginning to set into a beautiful orange-red glow, when you feel a paw upon your shoulder, and a soft voice responds, "Do not fear... Rusty is here." You turn around to come face-to-face with a purple Yoshi-wolf Pegasus with a pink and red mane. Her kind red and blue eyes, one with a red scar show only kindness and compassion. "You are not alone.... not one bit." Surprised, you struggle to find the words to say. She envelops you into a sudden warm hug, and you absently note she is way softer than she appeared. Caught off guard, but unwilling to refuse a free hug, you hug back. You feel her purr as you wonder how to take this in.

  • Viewing 168 - 172 of 172
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