• Member Since 28th Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen March 8th


the day we know everything it will be the most boring day to exist


Pre-reader · 6:18pm Jul 15th, 2020

So how do pre-readers work?
Do they do it for free?
So this is because I don’t really know if my story is ok to post now and I don’t want to try publish it again because I only have two strikes left so anyone interested in pre-reading for free because I’m poor

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Comments ( 77 )
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Thank you for the watch. May I ask how I earned it?

I really should answer these more
Message to everyone here
So thanks for taking the time to write these comments sorry for not answering I don’t really expect people to leave a comment so I don’t check in here but the thanks are appreciated
I hope that all of you have a great life
Now I’m wondering how many thought I was a bot?

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