• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen July 2nd

Iridescence T Wind

Meet my Pokemon Team


Story Draft: A Changeling Perspective · 9:46am January 3rd

Due to numerous events, namely regarding Hasbro, work loads over the recent few years, and falling out of the fandom for my little pony, (Which can be read about in more detail here , I've decided to release my storynotes, regarding what was planned with each of my fanfics. This one, dedicated to Fallout Equestria: A Changeling Perspective with Aria Web and Co. This one went a bit on Haitus before the other major work, Puppets

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Got a Question for me or a Charecter in Fallout Equestria: A Changeling Perspective?

Hey since there is a lot of free time between the stuff I do, I've dedicated a blog to any questions you've have about Aria and her crew, awnsered by them though a 4th wall breaking laptop. Go visit the blog here! Link!

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Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

I'm hoping to see more ponies attempt the FNAF game.

Hey, are you goingbto update "Puppets of Tragedy" anytime soon again?

Comment posted by 3DTV deleted Aug 15th, 2020

When Mr freeze comes back are you going to the he’s just a head now like in the show cold comfort

  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57
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