The Royal Equestrian NAVY! 91 members · 21 stories

If it floats, if your in uniform, and if the smell of the seas is what you love, then join the Royal Equestrian Navy!

Comments ( 8 )
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Hello everypony I'm new in this group and I've been a fan of the show for a while and I'm also a naval enthusiast. I've been planning and working an on a fanfic that's got to do with naval stuff and its also a crossover the story is called 'Equestria Battleship Yamato'. If you're interested in reading it well that's good also I've only uploaded the prologue and chapter 1. I'm still working on the next chapter which is going to be a longer chapter. So I hope you guys can welcome me here. Thank you

anyone think of 'old ironsides' aka uss constitution in equestria

WW2 Death of the Imperial Japanese Navy

Guess what day it is

yeah its that day

beat army

331466 you got it right

Comment posted by CptBrony deleted Dec 6th, 2013
Comment posted by CyberCommand deleted Dec 6th, 2013

Go Navy, beat Army!

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