• Member Since 6th May, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Just a lost box with a few stories to tell.

Blog Posts

  • 165 weeks
    Story Idea?

    Had a crazy dream last night. I was a giant semi-bipedal rabbit, like 8-feet tall, with arms that hung to my ankles, stalking through a dark forest for some food. I ended up stumbling upon some kid, no older than 7 or 8, in a bear onesie grieving over the corpses of what I assumed to be their parents who were horribly mutilated. Then the kid just looks at me and hugs my leg while crying, and I'm like "Guess I have to look after them now." Then, all of a sudden my ears started twitching like

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    7 comments · 286 views
  • 166 weeks
    Dark as Chitin-Notice

    The series will be undergoing maintenance very soon. This does not mean I'll stop uploading or change any major plot points, it just means I'm going to be editing some chapters. I went back to read chapter one and noticed that I could have phrased or structured some things a bit better. I noticed similar patterns throughout the rest of the series, as I was only improving. The quality gradual progression in quality kind of threw me off, so I figured that some readers might feel the same or

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    3 comments · 250 views

Story Idea? · 3:06pm May 27th, 2021

Had a crazy dream last night. I was a giant semi-bipedal rabbit, like 8-feet tall, with arms that hung to my ankles, stalking through a dark forest for some food. I ended up stumbling upon some kid, no older than 7 or 8, in a bear onesie grieving over the corpses of what I assumed to be their parents who were horribly mutilated. Then the kid just looks at me and hugs my leg while crying, and I'm like "Guess I have to look after them now." Then, all of a sudden my ears started twitching like

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Report LostBox · 286 views ·
Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

Hello, I'd just like to ask about your deleted stories. Would it be possible to have them back up? I really enjoyed reading them and Fimfetch doesn't have most chapters archived, sadly. I understand if its not possible, though sad.

Why'd you delete all of your stories? They were REALLY REALLY good especially the changeling one!
I'll miss that one and it's sequel the most😭

(Edit....I hope that you're doing ok and nothing bad has happened to you and even if your stories never get completed you will see this message if you ever come back to this site and I look forward to whatever you write because your capacity for storytelling is just incredible.)

A random thought that involves your story:

Thanks to Shadow of Equestria, I decided to find the full list of similarities between Shadow and Sombra, which eventually resulted in Rabia and Black Doom, Maria and Radiant Hope, etc. There's a lot in there, and a lot of potential for interaction between them after Shadow finds out.

link to the full list

I didn't write a story about a samurai ronin, but it sounds interesting. Let me know if you find it.

Oh thank god, I thought it was REALLY gone, also, are you the one that wrote something about a samurai ronin? Multiple stories are missing on the site. And can't remember if you wrote it or not.

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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