• Member Since 24th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

swarm chaser

Is that a hive mind?

Wait I can just put anything here?

Is there a limit to how much I can put here?....Testing testing testing...I don't see a character counter...Hmmm...
Right well seems a good place to put all the things I use here.
Fimfic2epub available in a browser extension, command line utility and as a server.
I use the browser extension and the server when on mobile, it's maintained by the local djazz it can embed pictures while fimfiction's built in converter can't.

FIMFiction - hide anthro & EqG Mine is slightly modified for a few extra tags and to only function on the main page, letting it run on other pages as per default has the side effect of nuking things you followed a direct link to.

I also make excessive use of fimfiction's TTS capability which is by far the best of any site i've used, however it's not fast enough for me, but that was easy to fix, I don't have it hosted anywhere so i'm going to cram it in a code section below.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Enable faster fimfiction TTS
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://www.fimfiction.net/story/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=fimfiction.net
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

var speedmax = document.querySelector (
"#tts-options > div > input[type=range]:nth-child(4)"
speedmax.max = 300

If that's still not fast enough for you change 300 to whatever you like, past 300 it starts getting unintelligible with most voices though, this doesn't set the speed it just lets the slider go further so you can actually set the speed you want in the normal TTS UI.

I have no idea why the original max speed is so low, but that's pretty common among TTS apps, some voices don't support higher speeds, like microsoft edge's online voices, it still works it just doesn't get any faster.

Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Finished reading it years ago, was looking through trying to clean up my bookshelves and noticed I hadn't moved it out of tracking.
I think it did a great job of staying in character and aside from the split world thing within the rules of both series.
Had to go dig through the unconverted notes to find out what happened;
My notes on the last chapter back 2021-10-09

Right so I really enjoyed this story but once again the ending.

The two worlds merge.
Luna and celestia lose their ability to control their respective satellites.
But worst everyone becomes anthro.
Like the people from semiearth gain animal features and ponies from equestria become anthro.
Then the story ends in an epilogue which appears to have mc leaving through a summon with a french speaker.

Liked the story hated translated writing, hated how it ended but I reallly liked the story it was a lot of fun I don't know if its going to be a fave or not.

FWIW I also read up to ch20 of El Ser Supremo de Zero but was never able to get into it as I didn't like the familiar of zero.

Thanks a lot for adding my work to your favorites!

Strange. Either way, thank you for the comment.

I didn't delete it so I don't know what happened.

Thanks for your comment on "A change of fortune!". My proofreading was lacking there. Not sure if you deleted your comment as it shows as deleted but I appreciate it.

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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