• Member Since 10th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Long lost alicorn of destiny. Lives on earth in a human form. Loves displaced fanfics.

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I'm rewriting the Year of the Dragonoid · 4:01pm Dec 1st, 2020

It's been a few years since I've posted anything in that story and I vastly improved. yes this is going to be another complete rewrite but since some people actually enjoy the old story I'm going to keep it up on the site and just post a new one. I hope no one gets mad that I'm taking it off of incomplete and putting it in completed even though it's obviously not because I'm doing a whole rewrite.

Report Tempest_Flare · 247 views · Story: year of the dragonoid ·

I'm rewriting the Year of the Dragonoid · 4:01pm Dec 1st, 2020

It's been a few years since I've posted anything in that story and I vastly improved. yes this is going to be another complete rewrite but since some people actually enjoy the old story I'm going to keep it up on the site and just post a new one. I hope no one gets mad that I'm taking it off of incomplete and putting it in completed even though it's obviously not because I'm doing a whole rewrite.

Report Tempest_Flare · 247 views · Story: year of the dragonoid ·
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