Cozy Glow 592 members · 950 stories

A group for Cozy Glow and her adventures in friendship.

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Cozy Glow Short Story Contest #5


Guidelines in development [X]
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Story evaluation in progress [ ]
Story evaluation complete [ ]
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Contest #5 Results

Runner Up:


3rd Place:


2nd Place:


1st Place:


Cozy Glow Group membership count rank: top 3.1% of all groups. Go Cozy!!

Comments ( 75 )
  • Viewing 56 - 75 of 75

Oh cozy
I think of her as Really evil but anyone can be reformed with enough time


Apologies for the delay - had to bust out some fiction of my own (I only have a modest amount of brainpower left and can have but one thing going at a time, nowadays). I'm rereading yours at the moment, and plan to have both done by the holidays.

Poke poke.

No reviews for the 2nd and 1st place entries yet, eh? I understand. December is a busy time of year.

Still, I do hope they get written and posted relatively soon. Like Cozy herself, I'm a grubby little glutton for attention.

OOF I didn't win or get runner-up. Oh well, everyone else did a great job and the competition was too strong with this one. XD


It's a wonderful day to be Cozy.

One hour left to go for Annual Contest #3! Lots of submissions this year.

It must warm a little filly's heart to have so many dedicated storytelling friends.


Sure - that would count as an AU story.

Hello I have a question and it's tearing me up. Can I make two separate stories about Cozy being born to a unicorn family with Luster dawn as her sister if every character in the stories do entirely different things?

For one story it's the main focus and the other It's more in the background with a different Protagonist.

Comment posted by Sane Marbles deleted Sep 2nd, 2020


Okay, thanks.


Feel free to make a post in the forum! :pinkiesmile:


You mean like, ask someone to write a story that you have an idea for?

Question: Is it possible to request a story?

  • Viewing 56 - 75 of 75