• Member Since 21st Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2018


I'm a passionate brony throwing some words at you all, hoping to give you a good time. My hobbies are reading, cramming at the last minute, and gaming. Come watch! http://www.twitch.tv/mudkipman98

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WoF: Parallel Dream Update · 3:02pm Oct 21st, 2016

I've decided to split Deathbringer's chapter in two. You'll see why when the chapter itself goes up. Also, just because a character has already had a chapter doesn't meant they'll only get one. My hope is to have at least 3 chapters for all the characters by the end of the story, if not more. ;)

Comments ( 8 )
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1392933 Thank you kind sir :twilightsmile:


Excellent choice in Pokemon.

SILENCE WILL FALL:pinkiecrazy:

Dude, slenderponys' watchin' you...

Hey! its Dina! I just joined this website!

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