• Member Since 1st Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


♀️ -- Based and Wallypilled™ |Patreon!


Hey y'all check this out · 6:14am March 8th

Super proud of myself 💖

New story news coming soon, it'll definitely be something different than usual.

Bless up for self-care \o/

Report Scampy · 262 views ·

Comments ( 1288 )
  • Viewing 1,284 - 1,288 of 1,288

Pass On is a great work, unfortunately we cannot see more chapters.
Thank you for so many outstanding works!

You're a great writer and I love your fics :D

*finds something of interest and darts out of the bushes, dropping something off*

*Skitters back into the bushes*

It spoke explicitly about topics near and dear to my heart (just look at my own fics lol), without sugarcoating anything, and stayed realistic and respectful of those topics throughout the story. It's pretty rare to find something that genuine on this site nowadays, so I felt it was special enough to at the very least be worth a like and a fav 🙏

Thanks for thinking my story And Yet I Never Once Smiled was pretty good! Could I ask why, though?

  • Viewing 1,284 - 1,288 of 1,288
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