• Member Since 15th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Blog Posts

  • 305 weeks
    First Blog Post

    well this is my first blog post.
    hopefully I can make use of this feature in the future.
    maybe use this as a possible staging ground for pitching story ideas

    until then here's hoping to the future

    and to anyone reading these posts

    Hello and welcome to my user page. 😀

    0 comments · 212 views

First Blog Post · 3:31am Sep 22nd, 2018

well this is my first blog post.
hopefully I can make use of this feature in the future.
maybe use this as a possible staging ground for pitching story ideas

until then here's hoping to the future

and to anyone reading these posts

Hello and welcome to my user page. 😀

Report AnimeGamer13 · 212 views ·
Comments ( 22 )
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Another favorite? Thank you!

Thanks for the favorite!

Thanks for favoriting In a Rut! Hope you enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much for adding Through the Eyes of Anon-a-Miss to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for another favorite!

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