When Sombra is discovered alive but weakened beneath the Crystal Empire, Celestia enlists Twilight and Fluttershy to help reform him. When mysterious ponies appear and begin fighting each other with Dark Magic, things begin to get more complicated.
The fabric of reality surrounding Equestria starts to come unraveled, it falls to Twilight to find a solution, but not just one Twilight; an alicorn princess, a brilliant human, a lazy genius unicorn, a stallion, and a unicorn using Dark Magic.
What is a Hero? What is a Villain? Is it motivation that matters more, or victory? Nothing is black and white, and shadows truly embody the shades of grey...
Sombra faked his death, and succeeded at reviving his Umbrum army. But what happens when he mistakes Twilight for Radiant Hope, the one mare he most loved, but who abandoned him when he discovered the truth of his destiny?
Twilight learns of Sombra's past, and finds him alive but weakened. She decides to learn how to use his Dark Magic for Good, by taking him back to Ponyville.
Regarding Falling VillainsGiven the successful befriending of Discord, Princess Celestia deems that no longer will villains be defeated but instead reformed. Brought back from the dead and stripped of his powers, Sombra only wishes he could have stayed dead all along.by naturalbornderpy
106,940 words
· 1,092 · 42
Sombra OmegaSombra's final mad thoughts before encountering the pony sisters, his reaction to Twilight 1000 years later, and how the sisters (and Radiant Hope) mourned the Crystal Empire. A companion story to the recent "Fiendship is Magic" comic about Sombra. by Azure129
3,729 words
· 59 · 1
Shy Can SeeFluttershy receives word that she is bestowed the honor of reforming the tyrannical ruler of a northern empire.by Evehly
17,155 words
· 264 · 8
Featured Stories
Five Shades of TwilightThe fabric of reality surrounding Equestria starts to come unraveled, it falls to Twilight to find a solution, but not just one Twilight; an alicorn princess, a brilliant human, a lazy genius unicorn, a stallion, and a unicorn using Dark Magic.by Maltrazz
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A Somber Tale: FIENDship is MagicTwilight learns of Sombra's past, and finds him alive but weakened. She decides to learn how to use his Dark Magic for Good, by taking him back to Ponyville.by Maltrazz
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What is a Hero?What is a Hero? What is a Villain? Is it motivation that matters more, or victory? Nothing is black and white, and shadows truly embody the shades of grey...by Maltrazz
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I love it! Thank you very much!
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A little drawing I made of your character.
God dangit I forgot this year too, happy belated, lmao