• Member Since 12th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen May 31st, 2023

Boomstick Mick

Account Retired


Notice of Retirement - Goodbye, Everyone · 2:01am May 31st, 2023

Well, everyone, I've had a good decade on this site. After all the time I've spent here, I'm happy to report that I don't consider one second of it to have been a waste of time. Through this site, and through this community, I've made quite a few friends, expanded my vocabulary, and even improved my personal writing skills. Since I have chosen writing to be my career path, the experiences I've had and lessons I've learned here will be invaluable to me as I pursue my goals. And to clarify, I've

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Report Boomstick Mick · 687 views ·
Comments ( 132 )
  • Viewing 128 - 132 of 132

Be well in your retirement, it’s a shame you took down Dark Hearts and Kind Hearts, even if it won’t be finished, though I think I understand why you did.

I am so glad to see you hopped on. Even if it was for a moment. Hope you’re doing well and had a good Christmas and New Years.

Call me whatever you want, guy. And I appreciate the follow. More to come soon, now that I'm situated at my new residence.

Hello, Mick, can I call you Mick? How've you been? Was going through my tracking, found that you are indeed still actively writing. Will be taking a glance at your other works, hope you've been well while reflecting.

Ah that's good laugh

Here's a prank call from a radio host in my country:

  • Viewing 128 - 132 of 132
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