• Member Since 20th Oct, 2015
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An earth pony with a special talent for Winter Wrap-Up!

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Probably beaten to death... · 11:16pm Sep 28th, 2018

I kinda wonder if the Sirens were incomplete.

The theory (a Siren theory!) starts with the name structure the three sirens have. It's an Italian musical term followed by something to do with light. Pretty simple.

Adagio is a slow and stately tempo, reflecting her cool and efficient leadership style and longer-term planning.

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Thank you so very much for the favorite on Aces High. I’m glad you like the story.

uhhhhh hail marry it? do something and see if it links up? i'm as blank as you are.

I am. I plan on marathoning the Knight Rider tv show soon, and taking notes, looking for some way to take it from the cliffhanger it was left on.

But I have a habit of getting things started and not finishing them, and I wish I knew what Moth planned to do from this point.

you still thinking about continuing Moth's work on "Knight of the Unicorn?" i believe in you, might not exactly be the same as Moth wanted, buuuut i think you'd do him proud.

DRIFTING TO YOU God bless! God loves you, now and forever.

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