• Member Since 6th Oct, 2017
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J. Klyne. Writer, Film Production Major, Prospective cinematographer, Screen Writer and Director


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Summer at Last! · 7:03am Apr 23rd, 2021

Hello everyone! I feel like crap at the moment but it's only a cold and I should recover soon enough. BUT! Being sick is nothing new! No, I'm here to let everyone know that I'm finally free of school work, I passed my semester and now I'm free to do projects! That means Tears! But, alas, It isn't only Tears that I want to do as Tears is my only fanfic and my last one for a while.

In Fact! Here's a list:
-Tears of Sunlight [fan fic]
You know this one.
-Hybrid: Lone Wolf

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Report JWolfSilver · 579 views · Story: Tears of Sunlight ·
Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

I am! Just re-reading both! I finally finished school so I plan on cleaning up my incomplete and finishing them!

Hey are you planning on continuing the sequel? It is so good!!!

i think he was talking about the next part of the series that your currently working on jwolfsilver.

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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