• Member Since 6th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


J. Klyne. Writer, Film Production Major, Prospective cinematographer, Screen Writer and Director

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Found 2 stories in 13ms

Total Words: 138,278
Estimated Reading: 9 hours


This story is a sequel to Scars of Our Past

Sunset Shimmer has been through a lot but it seems that things have finally got back to some form of normalcy. However, the next chapter in her life is about to begin. Sunset unlocks a part of her past and questions everything she thought she knew about herself. Family, Friendship, magic and maybe a bit of romance is in store for Sunset and her friends and it all starts with the dreaded Friendship games.

Chapters (17)
Sunset Shimmer never really had a childhood or someone to teach her what she needs to know. So, after the fall formal, Sunset is faced with changes she is not yet ready for: friends and family who are willing to show her just what she's been missing. Will she accept accept this newfound solace or will her fears and insecurities get the better of her? Will she even have a choice?

Current cover done by MichaelNight

Chapters (59)