• Member Since 19th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen January 31st


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How to write an interlude without giving everything away????? · 5:54am Aug 19th, 2018


I can't figure out how to write this one chapter without giving everything away... or over emphasizing a relationship that I'm not sure even exists in the story I want to write yet...

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... This is literally the one thing that is stopping me from posting the next chapter of Susnet Shattered! I've rewritten this chapter toooooooo many times, and I need help from someone with more experience!

Report fmriver · 337 views ·
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I'd be happy to help out send me some of your ideas and I'll make suggestions and maybe you can help me with ideas for my story The Mane Seven Elements of Harmony.



Hello! So, as you may have just noticed, I just found out about your story: Sunset's Second Round of Childhood. So...when is the next update?

Thank you so much for the follow! :yay:

Thank you for the fave!

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