• Member Since 15th May, 2019
  • offline last seen Dec 2nd, 2020


Nothing happens in the"real" world unless it first happens in the images in our heads. -Gloria Anzaldua, Borderlands: la frontera


Update Schedule · 3:10am Aug 20th, 2020

Hello all!

Just wanted to give you guys an update about the posting schedule for this fic. I just started my masters program today and I'm way too tired to post a chapter. In the next few weeks, I'll be figuring out which day works best for posting. As of right now I'll be updating the story on Thursdays, but I'll let you know if that changes.

Sorry for the break in schedule!

Report ShimShamLover · 311 views · Story: In the Safety of the Night ·

Blog Posts

  • 205 weeks
    Update Schedule

    Hello all!

    Just wanted to give you guys an update about the posting schedule for this fic. I just started my masters program today and I'm way too tired to post a chapter. In the next few weeks, I'll be figuring out which day works best for posting. As of right now I'll be updating the story on Thursdays, but I'll let you know if that changes.

    Sorry for the break in schedule!

    0 comments · 311 views
  • 206 weeks

    Holy shit!! Can someone please verify that I was featured today?? It's always been a goal of mine to be featured, but I don't want to say that I was if I wasn't. I know it's been like 2 hours since I posted that last chapter so it's unlikely that I'm still featured, but someone please let me know if I was! I saw it on my own laptop but my anxiety has me convinced it was just me.

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    2 comments · 230 views
  • 209 weeks
    Next Chapter

    So this next chapter will be a little rough and will give us a brief glimpse at what Sunset has been through. Quite a few comments have guessed bits and pieces of what Sunset has gone through, but we won't learn exactly what happened to our favorite pony girl until around chapter 13. Just know that Sunset will be ok! She's safe at the moment and I won't let anything bad happen to her in this fic. All the bad stuff has already happened; now she has to work through it to reach inner peace.

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  • 212 weeks
    Last Names

    Hey guys! So I had a comment asking about the last names of my version of the Human 6. In my fic, last names are decently important. I wanted to show that this world is a bit closer to our world than the series depicts. They're still very colorful but I chose to give them last names that tied them to both their Ponyverse counterparts and regions we know in our world.

    Here's the list! (I included height as well to give you an idea of how they look at each other)

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    2 comments · 261 views
  • 214 weeks
    First Post

    Hello there!

    My name is Neba and I'm thinking about posting my first fanfic but I'm not sure if there would be any interest? I've got a couple thousand words written but I'm losing motivation. I originally wanted to have it all written before posting, but I think I'll post the first few chapters and then see if there's any interest.

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    11 comments · 270 views

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Hearth's Warming begins AFTER Harvest Moon, NOT before Barnyard Bargains even has their Nightmare Night candy out on display! What sort of person plays Love Teacher's, "All I Want for Hearth's Warming is You" in September?!

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