• Member Since 31st Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I write horsewords for RGRE

Blog Posts

  • 187 weeks
    A Couple Things

    I had intended to drop a whole new story start to finish by 12/31, but that ship has long since sailed. I want to go into a few behind-the-scenes things as to why, and where I've been.

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    7 comments · 1,114 views
  • 221 weeks

    It's been awhile since I said anything on this platform, and obviously this is my first blogpost on it.

    First: almost 300 watchers. Wow.
    Second: Follows A Little Spark (from here 'FALS') as of this post is in the top 2% of fics on the site by rating. Super wow.
    Third: A final 'wow' for the outpouring of desire for a sequel, which is in the works!

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    7 comments · 696 views

A Couple Things · 5:26am Dec 23rd, 2020

I had intended to drop a whole new story start to finish by 12/31, but that ship has long since sailed. I want to go into a few behind-the-scenes things as to why, and where I've been.

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Report Enganon · 1,114 views ·
Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Hey just checking in

Life's been a rollercoaster. Not a lot of writing time. Stuff's just returning to normal after the holidays, which start in October around here, to give you an idea.

Hey it’s been a while how are you doing?

I feel that tbh, I'm writing a spider-man thing and in 4 months I've arely come up with one villains backstory and the general idea for 2 others

Could be better. Stuck on OC stuff.
I think I've written just two pone-related scenes/chapters/updates this whole year.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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