• Member Since 29th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen November 18th


Welcome to my unfinished fics. When will I finish one? Probably never. ZipporWhill is best pony. Cozy Glow is second best Pony. Angel is best animal, just look at him would you?

God has foresaken me.

How to use this site

Who am I

Name: Szalhi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Romantic preference: Pan-
Nationality: Filipino-Australian
Best main pony: Scootaloo
Best Side pony: ZipporWhill
Favorite episode(s): Flight to the Finish
Favorite ship: ZipporWeight. (I wonder why...)
Hobbies (besides writing): Reddit, Magic: The Gathering, Roleplay (Forum + Chat), Gaming, Youtube, TTRPG
Ponysona's name: Szalhi
Main OC: Loose Cannon
Member of other fandom(s): DMZ, Katawa Shoujo, Halo, Magic, Pathfinder 2e, D&D, Love Live, D4DJ, Warrior Cats.

Poems of a Cryptic brony.

Ever notice how I seem to write about blindness? I’m pretty perceptive.

One without light
I am one without light
It is what gives us sight
Red or blue, yellow, grey.
What they are, I cannot say.
Some say I can see with sound
That may be true, but I am still bound
For there's things, sound can't give
The colour spectrum, they use to live

Whether or not, you will doubt me.
I hope that you will all see.
There's nothing wrong with me. Nothing bad.
All these guesses, they just make me sad.
I may not be able to read or write.
But there's a lot you can do without sight.
Hear the background hear the sound.
The area behind you, is not bound.
Sight is something you do not need.
But it just finishes the deed.

The way it sounds.
I cannot see colour, or the writing on the sheet,
but If I concentrate, I can hear your heart beat.
I don’t understand fashion or the appeal of a boutique,
but your heart's rhythm feels so unique.
For sound Is all that I require,
To find the one who I desire.

The totally Existing Patreon section

The progress of a Rainbow Scoot

Stories not on here are not currently being focused on.


Ten Years. · 12:46am April 29th

I'm Still here, kind of.

I was planning some special ten year anniversary thing. I thought of it two years ago, but you won't ever see it. Sorry for the tease there

I got hit with 'growing up and falling into other fandoms.' Most notably I started playing TTRPGs and about a year ago I officially became a weeb. Yes, that happened in the anniversary month, most likely the reason why there was no post last year.

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Report Szalhi · 62 views ·

This is the weird stuff i read.It's usually slightly out of date.

Wall Of Fame a.k.a The Crap I read.

Works of a Rainbow Scoot

Comments ( 58 )
  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58

It brings me joy that you like my little HiE, I thank you kind sir!

Thanks for the watch and tracking my story A Certain Magical Sunset. :twilightsmile:
I'm working through reading the rewrite of SAPR now... awesome am I right? :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for throwing Achievement Unlocked: Alicorn Princess onto your wall of fame. I appreciate you taking the time to give it a read.

Thanks for adding "Ocean Blues" to your library! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58
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