• Member Since 27th Jul, 2014
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Wannabe homesteader


Apologies for the long wait. Moved.back to Canada · 1:49pm May 25th, 2021

Well I know it's been a long time since I've updated and I have few excuses for the wait. I had to help with the construction of our wall around the property which took about 2 years, then we had civil unrest then Covid. Now my mother had broken her hip and the 3 medical students botched it. So went back to Canada to fix it. So long story short, this year's been rough on everyone. Good news is I found the flash drive with my notes. Bad news is that I need a new computer. I have hard/flash/solid

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Report Tatswaru · 160 views · Story: Suits Me Fine ·
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Thank you for adding my story to your watch list! I would love to read what you liked about it in the comments. ^_^

Thanks for the watch

Thanks for the follow!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for favoring 'Discord's Bored'!

Thanks for the follow.

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