• Member Since 25th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 5th


Bwhahaha! no I dont want you to die! I want to show you my fan fiction!


Update n stuff · 12:26am Aug 28th, 2020

So life finally slowed down for me, staying indoors left me to just wallow in my house.

So story, afraid I cant update still no motivation to write so they going up for adoption see if anyone is up for taking them.

Of course Im still reading on my free time, which I now have a ton of now, so I would be interested in reading whatever comes from them.

Report R-A-B-G · 166 views ·

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Comments ( 110 )
  • Viewing 106 - 110 of 110

Thanks for favoriting Spike the Fairy

Do you plan to continue the adventures of charm feather in just me and possibly her chronicles ?

Any news on charm feathers adventures?

Thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile:
May I ask why? :twilightsheepish:

Dost thou remembereth mine pesron?

  • Viewing 106 - 110 of 110
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