• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm from the Philippines, i like the show, and i've wanted to at least try writing for a while now.


Yeah, this. · 4:43am Jun 3rd, 2015

There will be a sequel to The Trouble with Genealogy but with school soon starting I am unsure as to when I can begin writing.

I still have the various errors and issues to deal with for the first story after all.

Report Arroz · 942 views · Story: The Trouble with Genealogy ·

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Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Thank you for the watch, my friend! Glad to have you aboard. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch. (not the time-telling type.)

oye arroz,
tienes catsup?

Thank very much for the watch! I hope to keep you entertained with my writing skills.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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