• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 18th, 2019


Brony as of late September, 2014. Sporadic writer of words about technicolor equines.

Things I tried to do

Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 9 - 18 of 18

Not a problem, you have some amazing work. Indeed, Vinyl is best background pony.

Majin Syeekoh

Thanks for the watch, I appreciate it!

By the way, I can always get behind some Vinyl Scratch!

Not a problem! It's very well written, I am looking forward to the new chapters.

Thanks for adding "The Iron Horse" to your Faves! I hope you continue to enjoy the story! :twilightsmile:

I hope you know you're fuckin' awesome.

Thank you for the Fav on Across the Sea of Time. I'd love to hear what you think makes it good!

Thanks for the watch! Here is one for you to show my gratitude:twilightsmile:

Heh, he deserves it. You are an excellent writer of horse words.

thanks for giving Woundsalt a little love!

Not a problem. You have some amazing work.

  • Viewing 9 - 18 of 18
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