• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen June 10th

Kotushk Fier


I live again, for now... · 4:53pm Oct 23rd, 2014

Hello everypony, Kotushk here after I think, what, a year or so? Jeez, time goes by fast. Just updated With a Shine in his Eyes, yay, recently watched EG2, and oh my Luna I always thought and entertained the idea of sirens in Equestria, and even had a rough idea of them for my story. I decided to implement them after all, although I have to retract what I thought they looked like. Speaking of sirens, EG2 has quite literally put me under their spell, with the siren songs from the movie easily

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My Writings

Comments ( 44 )
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Good afternoon'


When my brain stops being retarded and starts thinking again.

Any idea when 'With A Shine in His Eyes' is going to be updated?

Heya, you sud join dis groop

Don't be deceived. Such a number of Likes and the ratio to Dislikes - quite well.
And it was only a couple of days. Further - more.

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