• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 14th, 2022


Sonson-sensei here, how's it hanging my precious students. Not much I can say about myself in such a short blurb but I'm a writer and artist that happens to like ponies. Rarity is best pony.

Follower Competition

All of my followers are entered into a drawing to win a free OC commission by me. I pick a new winner every 25 followers.

Follower Winners

Personality type: ISTJ


Psst · 7:04pm Jan 20th, 2014

So the way I planned on picking a winner for my follower competition was to use random number generator. Your number would be based on when you followed. For example Darkman_224 was my first follower so his number is 1. However it seems like everyone I pick through random number generator for my follower comp never respond. So I figure I'll do it like this, if you want the OC drawing prize, just respond to this blog, in the comments. First person to speak up get's it. I'd like to also get an

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A Zoologist Dream

New story in the works: Harmony

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Comments ( 100 )
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May not be dead in real life, God forbid even during this time, but still rest in peace for their stories.

I don't even know what their usernames are anywhere else, unless they're the same?


Crazy late response, but SonSon ain't dead. He pretty much quit fanfiction as far as I can tell. He hasn't logged on here, or updated any stories of fanfiction.net. I don't know if he has an AO3 account though, maybe he's writing there? But yeah, he pretty much focuses on his art now. I don't know about his deviantart, but he uploads to twitter a lot.

Hopefully he'll come back some day; we'll just have to wait and see.

I don't know if they are in real life, but considering they haven't been responsive or active for quite a long while, it's a possibility.

Wait, he's.... dead? 😲

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