• Member Since 28th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen January 14th

Dark Shade 75

I have no idea what I'm doing. But I'm glad that you've taken the time out of your day to watch me flail around like a fish out of water. Here's hoping we're all entertained by the end...


Hullo · 8:07am Apr 2nd, 2017

My rewrite is nearly complete. Instead of waiting for it to be all finished entirely, I figured I'd throw you a bone, so to speak. Chapter 1 is now rewritten.

Report Dark Shade 75 · 544 views · Story: Misplaced Science ·

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The Space For Whatever Strikes My Fancy

I believe this describes my day-to-day life fairly accurately.


Hullo · 8:07am Apr 2nd, 2017

My rewrite is nearly complete. Instead of waiting for it to be all finished entirely, I figured I'd throw you a bone, so to speak. Chapter 1 is now rewritten.

Report Dark Shade 75 · 544 views · Story: Misplaced Science ·
Comments ( 45 )
  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45


Am simple man, see Twilight/Tempest ship, upvote.

Thanks for the watch! ^^

Yeah? I'll have to check it out at some point.

I have all of her skins. Including her new one, Dark Waters. It's amazing.

Ah that makes sense, yeah now I know, still disappointing when people do this especially when they think no one will know.

Thanks I loved playing Diana jungle back in the day. I haven't played league in years now though and I am recently getting back into FIM after a few years of absence.

Hopefully they progressed the lore of Diana and Leona I love their budding relationship and need to see Diana updated like pronto.

  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45
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