• Member Since 13th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 10th, 2019

Annoyed Changeling


Twilight had refused to go.... · 6:52am Jun 17th, 2013

I wonder what would have happened if Twilight refused to go after her crown. just been like "Nah I got wings" and flown off, or just told Celestia to go get it

Report Annoyed Changeling · 407 views ·
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Hiyah! Thanks a bunch for the favorite on The Immortal's Burden. I'm really glad that you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Thanks or the fave of a mother never forgets

I'm glad you enjoyed In the Dark of the Night. Thanks for the fave!

Thanks for favoriting We're the Same! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch.

  • Viewing 95 - 99 of 99
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