• Member Since 5th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 30th



Equestria Enduring · 6:51pm Mar 31st, 2013

Equestria Enduring is a story I've been proofreading for the last few weeks, and it's coming along very nicely. The authour just posted the first chapter, and I'd advise you all to take a look. It features some awesome world building, awesome what-if? scenarios, and is a generally awesome adventure. If you like action, I'd recommend that you take a peak.

Report GoG ToXiC · 495 views ·

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Comments ( 17 )
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Of course man. It was too bizarre to pass up on XD

Hey there, thank you ever so kindly for the most glorious of faves, my good fellow!

Thanks for the follow. I may start on that Metroid Fusion Crossover soon! As such, I'll be giving you a link firsthoof for watching me simply for the idea! :raritywink: Main character is Twilight. "The Computer" will be Luna, as she will be heading up to BSL with her because of past space experience. X is still X.

thanks for the fave!

I updated everything! Also, epic story my friend!

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