• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



I Wrote a New Thing! · 10:45pm Nov 22nd, 2022

Hi everyone!
So, I wrote a new fimfic story - but you won't find it on this account.

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Comments ( 76 )
  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76

wait what's the classification for this shipping pair 'Twerpy'

No need to thank me at all, it was your awesome work after all. :pinkiehappy:


Still waiting to see if you ever do anything else beyond Address Unknown. Was clearing out a bunch of favorites and had to stop and reread this. Still just as good over a year later.

Want to check out my story Ace Combat: Divided Feelings?

  • Viewing 72 - 76 of 76
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eBook Downloads

With a giant thanks to Kevinltk, Address Unknown is now available in both ePub and mobi formats, in the normal teen version and the version that contains mature sections! If you would like to download them, they are available here:
ePub - Mature
mobi - Mature
ePub - Teen
mobi - Teen