• Member Since 11th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 15th, 2021


HERP DERP i dont know what to write here.


I want to point this out! · 7:26pm Dec 2nd, 2012

You should read this, NOW! It is amazing!

Report HikariToYami · 578 views ·

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Comments ( 57 )
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Will you continue?

Spike has begun a journey, and as Zenith continues I hope that the story keeps you interested and that it continues to earn the Fave you've given it!:moustache::twilightsheepish:

And now thanks for tracking The Incredibly Torn Mind of a Winning Daughter!

Thank ya kindly for tracking When Goodbye Comes Too Soon! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

Thank you for the favorite, it's very much appreciated~! :rainbowkiss:
I've seen you around this here site, and based on some of your comments you're a pretty cool person. :moustache:

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