• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2013



This is a sad time · 12:51am Apr 24th, 2013

I know this has little to do with fimfiction, but I figured I'd share it anyway.

On Sunday night, a boy my age committed suicide. He was extremely friendly, talented, and he was also a brony. In addition to living in a broken home he battled very severe depression for years. He was also bullied at school for being "weird" and liking My Little Pony.

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Report applebloople · 668 views ·

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about your blog, man you duont know the hlaf of it son

411489 Also, if you ever need need inspiration or guidance, who do you usually go to? :derpyderp2:

I'll follow you simply because your sis amuses me, and you're related to her. :rainbowkiss:

You amuse me. Have a follow.

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This is a sad time · 12:51am Apr 24th, 2013

I know this has little to do with fimfiction, but I figured I'd share it anyway.

On Sunday night, a boy my age committed suicide. He was extremely friendly, talented, and he was also a brony. In addition to living in a broken home he battled very severe depression for years. He was also bullied at school for being "weird" and liking My Little Pony.

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Report applebloople · 668 views ·